Monday, November 3, 2014

Do You Feel Loved? / Mrs Tiffany Ingham


                         Do You Feel Loved?

I John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love.

  One day an older lady came into the Vacuum store where I work. She told me she was having some back problems and needed a lighter vacuum, we talked for a while. She decided to take a vacuum home and try it out. The next day, she came in with her daughter. They told me how much she liked the vacuum and would like to buy one like it. I was very busy that day but I did my best to take my time to talk to her and answer any questions they had. As I was taking her new vacuum to her car, she thanked me. I asked her how her back was feeling, she told me she had just had an appointment for her back that day. I told her I would pray for her and to please be careful. About a month later that same lady's daughter walked in the store, looked at me and started thanking me over and over with tears in her eyes for how kind I had been to her mom. She told me it meant so much to her and her mom. She then continued to tell me that her mom had passed away with cancer and the day she had came in the store she had just had a treatment. The daughter gave me a hug as we were both crying. What a precious lady! She never one time told me she had cancer. And never one time complained about what she was going through. That day was a reminder to me everyone wants to be loved. We should treat everyone with as much kindness as possible; because we have no idea what people are going through. Many customers have poured out their heart, that they have cancer, health issues, or family issues. They just wanted someone who would listen. The Lord has opened doors for me to witness and give out tracts just from listening to the hurting. I'm so thankful I know a God who can help the hurting.

Do you feel loved today?

1. Have you talked to the Father? Have you talked to the one who is waiting to listen to you, his child. The one whom you will spend eternity with. The one who gave his life for you. The one who is with you 24 hrs a day and hears and sees everything you do. He is waiting! If you love him, you will talk to him.
2. Have you read his word? This is how he reminds us of how much he loves us. He wrote this book just for us, so we can learn more about him. He loves you!

3. Have you shined your light? By listening to others, by a kind action, by accepting the not so easy to love. You will be surprised at how loved you will feel, if you will love others, by letting Christ shine through you. We live in a dark world, without our lights many will not receive Christ! We need to make sure our hearts are right with Christ, so we can shine brightly! Let's go make a difference in someone's life today! Show Christ how much you love him! 

You are loved!!!! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 

Tiffany Ingham
Pastors wife of Joe Ingham
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Newland, NC


  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful illustration! It is so easy to become so caught up in the business of our daily lives that we forget to take just a moment to show someone the love of God!
