Monday, November 24, 2014

Cast all your care upon Him / Mrs Charissa Andrews

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you
~I Peter 5:7

Mom, something is wrong with my computer. I can't get it to pull up my math homework that I saved.”
Okay honey. Just bring it in to me, I'll fix it.”

Dad, my bike chain fell off again! I can't ride it like this.”
No big deal bud, just bring it into the garage and Dad'll take care of it.”

Mom, my Nabi isn't turning on. What's wrong with it? I can't get it to work.”
It's okay, bring it to me and I'll figure it out.”

Don't you love the fact that when your children need help they call on you? I love that even my teens still need me to “fix” things. That they know to call on me. I take much pleasure in every opportunity to shine as a “Super Mom” in their eyes. It brings my mommy heart joy to be relied on, to be trusted. The same is true for our Heavenly Father. He desires for us to bring our care to Him. ALL of our care. We believe that every single word, jot and tittle in the Bible is on purpose. He tells us to bring ALL our care to Him. Not just to bring it to Him, but to cast it upon Him. And better than just telling us to do that, this verse tells us WHY. Because He cares for us.

What if the conversations with my children went like this:
Mom, something is wrong with my computer. I can't get it to pull up my math homework that I saved.”
Okay honey. Just bring it in to me, I'll fix it.”
But what if you can't?”
Dear, it'll be fine. Just bring me the computer.”
I know, but...what if it doesn't work? What if I can't hand in my homework on time and I get a zero for the assignment?”
Listen to me. Haven't I fixed your computer before?”
Yes, but...what if it doesn't work this time? Maybe I better try to fix it myself first.”

Dad, my bike chain fell off again! I can't ride it like this.”
No big deal bud, just bring it into the garage and Dad'll take care of it”
Dad, this is a special bike. I saved my money for a long time to buy this bike.”
I know that son. Just bring it to me in the garage and I'll fix it. It's just a chain.”
Oh great! My friends are waiting for me. You probably won't be able to fix it in time.”
Listen to me. I've fixed many chains before. You just have to bring it to me.”

Mom, my Nabi isn't turning on. What's wrong with it? I can't get it to work.”
It's okay, bring it to me and I'll figure it out.”
Okay, here it is.”
Thank you. I'll be able to fix this...wait, what are you doing?”
I'm taking it back. It isn't fixed yet.”
If you will leave it with me, I can fix it.”
Well, okay. Here, you can try to fix it. But I'll hold on to it too.”
Dear, you need to let go of it. Just give it to me.”
Maybe you don't care enough about my Nabi to really fix it.”
Listen to me, I care about YOU.”

How silly would that be? I do know if my children responded that way to me, I would be hurt. Especially after I have already been proven to be a loving, caring parent. How much more does it hurt our Heavenly Father when we don't trust Him enough to cast all our care upon Him? “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matthew 7:11

Heavenly Father, my heart is broken. How could they have treated me like that?”
Bring it to Me, I'll fix it.”
Jesus, what are we going to do about our financial situation? How will we make it?”
Bring it to Me, I'll take care of it.”
Dear God, this illness. I'm scared.”
I know, child. Cast all your care upon Me, I'll take care of everything.”

Can you do it? Can you just bring it all to Him? He is a worthy God, a proven Father. He sees your need. He understands your fears. He has it all under control.

Father, I need....”
My child, bring it here.”

Mrs Charissa Andrews
Pastor's Wife
St Peters, MO

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