Thursday, November 13, 2014

Many Hands Make Light Work / Mrs Amy Sapp

                                                             Many Hands Make Light Work!!
Mrs Amy Sapp
O'Fallon, MO

  We have all heard the famous quote by John Heywood...

"Many Hands Make Light Work". 
 There is an incredible truth in that statement. 

 One day several years ago (I would have said "many" but that makes me sound so much older than I feel), my husband and I were newer members of a church.  I was on the phone with our Pastor's Wife, and we were explaining what we were each doing the next day.  She was telling me that she was going to be at the church all day taking the Christmas decorations down.  I told her that I was going to be taking my mom out to lunch, but was free after that if she would like help.  She was shocked that I even mentioned helping.   The next day, when I showed up at the church to help, she again looked as if she was so happy that I was there to be helping her.  I asked her who had put up all of these many decorations???  She told me that she had done it all by herself.  Not just that year, but it was very normal for her to do all of that work by herself each year.  I mean it wasn't just a little bit of decorating, it was a lot of decorating.  Not just a tree, not just the auditorium, but also some décor outside, some in the foyer, and also the entire basement. 

 After that day, I made a decision.  That MY pastor's wife was not going to be doing that type of work alone.  She should not have to do it alone, my pastor's wife or YOURS!  I think many times, we just take for granted different things that just seem to magically get done around the church.  Those things that are getting done, SOMEONE is doing them.  Can you imagine how much more would get done in a shorter amount of time with extra help?  Even if just an extra pair of hands, or a set of eyes or brains to help brain storm, etc.  "Many Hands Make Light Work"

 Maybe you are unsure of exactly when decorating or taking things down will take place.  All you have to do is ask.  Ask your pastor's wife, or pastor.  If she is planning on decorating, then ask if you can help.  Try to be flexible with your schedule.  Maybe say, well I can't help at that time, but I can help at this time on this day.  I would venture to say, that if she would like the help, she will be flexible if at all possible.  Things done together are way more fun than things done alone!!  I can tell you that Christmas is fast approaching so now would be a GREAT time to ask.  Do not let her do it alone.  Remember you are not only doing it to help your pastor's wife, you are also doing it for the work of the Lord. 

Other important times would be around any holiday, or any fellowship, or any special meeting. 

 As I was thinking what Bible verse to apply to this post. The verse that keeps popping into my head is....

Psalm 33:15  "He fashioneth their hearts alike;  he considereth all their works."

The Lord knows!  He will consider ALL of your works, not just some of them, not just the big works, ALL of your works!!

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