Thursday, October 30, 2014

G Rated / Mrs Amy Sapp



G for Godly, Godly is "Good content for all ages!"

Do YOU live a Godly life?

Has the Lord convicted you about something in your life?  If he has, you should follow through with whatever it is that He is convicting you about?

I know "Halloween" is tomorrow.  Has the Lord convicted you about not taking your kids "trick or treating"?  Your kids do not have to feel like they are being deprived just because they don't  go "trick or treating".  Do something special to make that day fun for them.

Has He convicted you on a certain way that you dress?
I have a friend that the Lord has convicted them about wearing sports team's apparel, for various reasons.  When they first expressed this conviction to me, it did not make me feel convicted.  However, I think they are super awesome for following the direction that the Lord is leading them.  And it gave me a great respect to see this person following through with their conviction.

Has the Lord convicted you about the type of music that you listen to?  Don't just throw the old music out, replace it with good God honoring music.

Has He convicted you on maybe something that you have said to someone else, or maybe a way you have acted?  If so, do your best to make that situation right.  THREE simple little words...  "I am sorry" or "Please forgive me"  will do wonders!!

Maybe the Lord has been convicting you on the type of movies / TV that you watch?  Or maybe the amount of time that you watch them?  Is what you are watching something that would please the Lord?  Is what you are watching something that you could watch with Jesus sitting next to you?  Do you have to "skip" parts or do a lot of "muting"?

Maybe you have something you are addicted to?  Maybe it isn't really a sin, but it takes up way too much of your life?  Are you addicted to sports?  Do you know more sports players stats than you do know the details of Noah's life?  Do you know who won the World Series the past ten years?  Do you know all the books of the Bible?  Do you spend as much time talking about the Lord as you do talking about a certain sport?
Maybe you are convicted about your time spent using the internet?  Whether it be on Facebook, Pinterest, Playing Games, or YouTube. 

Maybe you have something that you have been convicted of or have given up??  Have you given it up completely or have you just given it up in public?  Do you live the same way at church or in the grocery store, that you live at home, or when you are alone in the car?


Jesus....  is ALWAYS with you!  Jesus is with you at church, He is with you while you are shopping, He is with you while you are driving alone in the car, He is in your thoughts, He is in your heart.

If the Lord has done a work in your heart in a certain area, work on that area in your life!  Do your best to live a G RATED life!  Do not push your convictions on anyone else, everyone is at a different place in their walk with God.

The Bible gives us a GREAT list of things to think on to live a G RATED life!!

Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;  if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Mrs Amy Sapp
O'Fallon, MO

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