Thursday, April 18, 2019

He Sees YOU! / Laura Billings

Laurie Billings

He Sees YOU!!

Hey ladies! I pray this will be a blessing to you. 

Have you ever felt like your life feels more like a roller coaster of ups and downs and its hard to post prayer requests or ask for prayer from people when things change so much? Its been just over 4 months since my husband had to resign his position as Pastor. In the last several months God has been incredibly good to our family especially with zero income, its been nothing short of miraculous! . He has met our needs over and over again. Spiritual and physical. My husbands preached at a few churches for possible candidacy with no open doors or more like no peace. I've had some amazing days and several where my faith lacked so greatly. God has encouraged me through it all. Recently another door shut and the enemy immediately whispered some hurtful things to my heart. This little meme I made was an encouragement to me and I wanted to share it with you and some thoughts. 
1. Although we may not understand why some doors are shut or why our situation is the way it is, we can FULLY trust our unknowns to a KNOWN GOOD God!! A shut door doesn't mean we are forsaken, forgotten or even a failure in some way. Ministry hardships are there to grow us, purge us and keep us humble before Him. I'm so thankful for the last 3 months! I truly believe God has a people waiting for us and we were created just for them for such a time as this. Waiting for that open door is much harder when I'm looking inward and around instead of upward and in the Word.
2. Its OK to have those days where we falter, cry and waiver. When our kids do, we come to them, encourage, pray and love extra hard on them. Guess what, our God does the same for us. He doesn't get mad because we are human, weak and fallible. He sees our weaknesses and loves us despite it. What I've learned is He actually shows Himself so much more during those moments with such a tender love. I had a night where I was crying and literally having some chest pains as I thought about our situation. I guess you could call it anxiety. This is something that I had never experienced before. It was scary. More than that I was pretty broken and feeling hopeless. I got up the next morning, headed to the store with our last 50.00 and asked God to help me make it stretch for the next two weeks. I got a ding on my phone and it was money sent to us through a cash app! I couldn't believe it. It was from a person we hadn't spoken to in a while. All it said was "I'm praying for you"! The Lord whispered to my heart in that moment, "see- I'm here my daughter, I love you, I've got you, you're going to be ok, trust me". He didn't punish me for my unbelief. It honestly wasn't about the money and He could have chosen a million other ways to encourage me in that moment, but providing yet another miracle, was His method. Speaking to my heart was His method. Reminding me of scripture was His method. The miracle wasn't in the actual money, although it was miraculous, it was that He again was reminding me I wasn't alone and that He will always make a way, even when we cant understand why doors haven't opened yet.
So whatever is happening where you are, rejoice evermore. Praise Him, cry a little, pray a lot and don't forget that if He can number the stars, name them, knows the number of hairs on our heads, see's when a sparrow fall, HE SEES YOU! He just may have a greater yes for you and the "NO" is a temporary deflection.

1 comment:

  1. I love girly. Praying for you. Glad i found your blog.💓
