Sunday, April 30, 2017

Never A Friend Like Jesus / Mrs Kelly Monkofsky

Kelly Monkofsky
Pastor's Wife
Grace Baptist Church
Quincy, IL

Never A Friend Like Jesus

All your anxiety, all your care Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there Never a burden you cannot bear Never a friend like Jesus.

Do you have a best friend? Someone who you can count on, tell your secrets to, be real with, “unload” your burdens to? I do. His name is Jesus. This song means more to me now, and in the past year and a half, then it ever did before. I’ve sung it many times in church, but the words are dearer to me now. When you hear from the Dr. that you have the “C” word, life changes and Jesus really does become your dearest friend.

In August of 2015 I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. At the time, I was only 37 years old. Not something many 37 year olds hear. With a husband, 5 kids, and a church to take care of, this news was hard to bear. Put me into shock, actually. I knew something was going on because I hadn’t felt good for about 2 months prior. I still had no idea I was about to embark on a journey that would turn my world upside down. Millions of questions and scenarios raced in my head while my husband and I sat in the Dr’s office that day. I was literally waiting for someone to pinch me so I could wake up and say it was just a bad dream. However, it wasn’t. It was real, and I was scared. I remember sitting there, watching my husband with tears coming down his cheeks. It almost hurt more to see him hurting so badly. All I could do was pray. And pray I did! Unless you’ve experienced something like this yourself, you probably won’t understand completely what I’m about to say next. The peace that swept over me in those next few hours of tests and poking and prodding was absolutely unbelievable! “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3) I didn’t lose it. I didn’t panic. I didn’t even cry which for me, is a miracle in itself because I normally cry over everything☺ The Lord was with me. He was my rock (Psalm 61:2). He was giving me the grace I needed. He was bearing my burden!! 

To make a very long story short, I chose to go the natural route after all my tests and biopsies came back confirming my illness. I had no treatment for almost a year after, just a big change in my lifestyle and diet. The testing that I had done each month from the naturalist I was seeing, showed that I was improving and that the cancer was going away. However, about 10 months into it, I started feeling terrible. I had no energy, I was losing weight, couldn’t even climb the stairs of our house. I was basically on the couch or in bed all day long. After several family members urging me to get blood work done, I finally agreed. My husband had to carry me to the car that day. We went to the ER and had blood drawn. Turned out, I was severely anemic…like, deathly anemic. My hemoglobin was 2.8. That is NOT normal. In fact, it’s considered critical. The nurses and my ER Dr. were in shock that I was still alert and awake. That was God! So of course I was admitted and given a blood transfusion shortly after. From there, they had to determine the cause of my anemia so again, several tests were done. The entire time I was going through these tests, the Lord was there, giving me peace again. He was once again, my best friend. I told Him I was scared. I told Him I was nervous, burdened and anxious. He knew. He
took care of me. “Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still” (Psalm 107”28-29) After many hours of seeing Dr’s, giving my blood away, getting new blood, having a heart monitor, etc, an oncologist met with me and told me that my cancer had spread and was now in my bone marrow, which was causing my red blood cells to be destroyed as well as my platelets. I was also at risk for bleeding. Yeah….that’s a big load to carry!! But Jesus said, let me carry it, child. “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (I Peter 5:7).  

My hospital stay ended up being almost 2 weeks. I had one oncologist tell me when it was just her and I in the room, that I had about 6-18 months to live, with this diagnosis. Um…say what?! Boy was this a time to cast all my cares upon Him; to bring my burden to Him. I heard a lot of bad news in the hospital during those 12 days but honestly, I also felt the peace of God that truly “passeth all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7).  Unexplainable peace. I’m so glad I had Jesus as my best friend at this time. I’m so glad He was there with me during the MANY tests, biopsies, Dr. visits, blood draws, transfusions and scans. Friend, is Jesus your best friend? Can you take all your cares and burdens to Him? Are you? Or are you trying to bear them alone? It’s so much easier when you give them to Him. I’m ashamed to say it, but up until my diagnosis, I don’t think I really relied on Jesus to carry my load. I think I tried doing a lot of it myself. I trusted myself to get through the hard times and challenges of life. Maybe God put me through this to show me HE ALONE is the one to trust. My earthly friends are wonderful. I have some of the best of friends here on earth. But none of them could have helped me through all of this like Jesus did. None of them could have given me that peace. None of them could have sustained my spirit like He did. Psalm 16:11….in his presence is fullness of joy. Amen to that! 

So, its been 5 months since I came home from the hospital and to God’s glory, I have been making remarkable strides in my health. I went from having blood transfusions every 10 days, to not needing one now for 2 months! I feel great, have had encouraging Dr. appointments, and just feel like a new person, praise the Lord!! He is so good to me. I’m so glad He taught me to lean on Him more. One of my favorite verses while going thru this trial was, and still is Isaiah 41:10! Such powerful words! 

My story is nothing special. I know there is so many others who have experienced something like this, or who are going through it right now. I just wanted to brag on my Jesus for a bit, and let you know that you’ll never find a better friend! 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

He's Always Faithful / Mrs Danielle Moore

Mrs Danielle Moore
Pastor's Wife
Open Door Baptist Church
Potts Camp, MS

He's Always Faithful

I was asked over two months ago to write a devotion for this page, and kept drawing a blank. It wasn't until about a week ago when Amy text me to remind me that the
Lord showed me what He wanted me to write about. You see, today is April 24th, and for our family it marks the one year anniversary of the hardest day our family has ever faced. One year ago today we said goodbye to my Dad, my pastor, & my hero. 

In 2013 he was diagnosed with a rare lung disease for which there is no cure. The only treatment is a lung transplant. So on April 2nd of 2014 he received a single lung transplant at Vanderbilt. We were so excited that Dad was receiving a second chance on life. However, we soon realized that during the next two years there would be many ups and downs. Anything that could go wrong went wrong. However, God always stayed faithful. 

The period following his surgery, we felt a peace from God that can't be explained.  I have often said that I don't know how lost people manage to go through trials not having the help of the Lord. He provided a strength that can only be found when we learn to fully rely on Him. A verse that became very dear to our family during this time was Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” Our help truly comes from the Lord. 

The two years and twenty-two days following Dads transplant were not easy, but looking back on them I wouldn't change them for the world. You see it gave me the privilege to help with my Dads care, and spend lots of time with him.  I will always cherish the times I had with him. 

I haven't written this so that you will feel sorry for me. My desire it to challenge you in two different ways. First, cherish every moment you have with your family. Life is short, and we have no guarantee of tomorrow. Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Don't be afraid to say, "I'm sorry," and tell them often, "I love you." Second, if you are going through a hard time, learn to rely on God. He can provide a strength that can't be matched. That's not to say I have always been on top side, and that I won't be shedding some tears today, but after everything I can still say that God is always right, and God is always good. 

If your in the middle of a storm, trust God. Whatever it is that your battling the Lord can see you through it. A year ago when I held my Dads hand as he left this world and passed into Heaven, I didn't think I could make it. However once again God was there for our family. Sometimes I look back and can't believe that we have made it a year without Dad, but God has brought us through this year. We are definitely looking forward to that Glad Reunion Day. Help is available to you ladies, you just need to ask the Lord for the help you need. Stay strong in the Lord, and don't give in to the Devil. You never know who may be watching you. If we give in, we may cause someone else to stumble. So today, I pray for those of you who read this and may be going through a trial. I pray God will wrap you in His arms, and provide a peace that only He can give you. 

Psalm 121:2 "My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Roses, Damaged Petals / Mrs Dianne Mcqueen

Mrs Dianne Mcqueen
Pastor's Wife
Victory Baptist Church
South Boardman, MI

Roses, Damaged Petals

            Have you ever tried to take a rose apart? Doesn't work does it . In a lot of ways our life is like a rose, let's take a look and see.
Roses start off as a bud. They are very fragile and need lots of care to grow. We start off as a small baby and we also need lots of care to grow .The rose grows up and the petals open to reveal a beautiful pink, red or yellow flower. Petals are very soft and they smell good. As we grow up to be a beautiful young lady, different nationalities and colors, we too are very soft and sweet. The more the rose matures  and opens the more beautiful it becomes. The more we grow, the more we mature the more beautiful we become .I Tim. 2:9
         Then time and nature take over and the petals start to turn brown on the edges, someone has picked it and tried to keep it for a few days in a vase of water. Leaves start to wither and drop and its almost at the end of its life.  It can't be refreshed, its head has drooped and finally it has to be put in the trash.
           Time and the world have taken over the young lady. She tries to live for the Lord but sin scars her and puts a brown spot on her life. Someone  has showed her what the world has to offer and she thinks it looks good. Problem with that is the devil does make sin look good. Rom 6:23  She's now running with the wrong crowd, her life is a mess. In and out of relationships, job after job. No peace, her head is drooped. Finally to her, her life is over when a soulwinner comes and her petals ARE refreshed. She's not ready for the trash.  She has a new life to live and a new Savior to live it for. Rom. 6:14. Would to God we could keep every young girl on the right path so she has no chance to go ruin her life with the world. Look around you at the young ladies you have contact with and find ways to keep them on that straight and narrow path.
         The next time you see a rose, remember you are  sweeter and more precious to the Lord than all the roses. God loves you and God is good.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Full of Prunes / Mrs Janice Wolfe

Mrs Janice Wolfe
Host of eleven2one

Full of Prunes

Nothing is more wonderful to a child than a new puppy. Nothing was more dependent upon that child, than that new puppy. When I was about 10-years-old, we got a new puppy for our family.  I loved that puppy and we spent all day together, everyday.
Aunt Tel, was "Special Needs" and was never able to learn to read or write. My dad had promised his dad that he would care of her as long as she needed help.  Dad kept his promise and Aunt Tel lived with us the whole time I was growing up.  
Aunt Tel must have been in her early 40’s at the time. It is obvious to me now that she must have been having some issues with irregularity, because she had been told she needed to eat prunes.  To this day, I do not know if she did not LIKE prunes, or if they just did not help her but, one day she offered the undesirable prunes to me.
I had not had a lot of prunes, if any, in my 10-year life span! I ate a few and I felt they were just alright but, the puppy sitting in my lap, was VERY interested in the prunes. So he had a happy feast!
The next morning when I awoke, my dad said to me, “Janice, what did you feed that dog yesterday?”
(You see my dad was legally blind, and he had gone out on the back porch to put some laundry in the laundry room. Well, the puppy also slept on the back porch. I think you see where this is going.)
I responded matter-of-factly, “Nothing but prunes daddy.”
My dad replied, and to this day I can hear him like it was yesterday, “Well, I cleaned up 6 messes and turned around and stepped in another one!!”  
What goes up must come down and what goes in, must come out! There have been times in my life -- and I am sure that if you are honest, that you have been there too --when what I had been putting in my heart and mind was coming out in my life as a mess. I would find myself leaving little messes everywhere I went.  This is what happens, when one is full of prunes!
Psalm 19:14 is a prayer in the form of a song. “Let the words of mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” The word meditation means a murmuring sound, that is, a musical notation. In fact, our word music, comes from the word muse.
Music is a wonderful way to fill your heart and your mind with good thoughts. Here at Faith Music, we like to say that a gospel song is a three-minute message that helps us meditate on the principles of God’s word and builds our faith. The book of Psalms contains 150 songs.  It appears that God wanted His people to meditate on His precepts, principles and promises!
When reading Proverbs 9, two verses really stand out to me:
“Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,” (Proverbs 9:4)
“Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: and as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,” (Proverbs 9:16)
These verses are nearly identical.  Verse 4 is the cry of wisdom and verse 16 is the cry of the foolish woman.  Lady Wisdom has furnished a delightful table. To dine with Lady Wisdom you must forsake the foolish. You will live if you do!
Verse 16 is the cry of the foolish woman. Her water is stolen and her bread is deceitful.  Her way leads to death and destruction.  
When it comes to our music, who is making our dinner? What is our soul having for supper?
In this blog last week, Vicky Mutchler wrote that, what pressure does is squeeze out what’s inside. That thing you did not mean to say, but it just came out. My former pastor’s wife, Beverly Hyles, used to say, “Yes, you did mean it! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”  What goes in will come out! Will we leave messes or blessings?  Will we be full of prunes or full of wisdom?
Psalm 19 teaches us to take care that the meditation of our heart is acceptable in the sight of God. He has redeemed us for that purpose and He will give us the strength to do so.
“I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.” (Psalm 104:33-34) When the direction of our praise is towards God, the dedication of our life is for God, and the meditation of our heart is upon God, then, the by-product is a glad heart! A glad heart is a much better gift to give others than the messes we leave when we are full of prunes.