Saturday, June 1, 2019

A "Yes" Person to God / Mary Frost

Mary Frost
Pastor's Wife
Shawnee Baptist Church
Louisville, KY

A “Yes” Person to God 

Do any of these conversations with God resonate with you?
“Do what!? I don’t think that fits in my comfort zone!”
“Wait a minute…I didn’t ask to be that or do that!”
“God, this is how I want to be used, and this is how I would prefer not to be used.”
“God, I have a list of things I think I am good at…Can’t you just pick from that list?”
As God moves in our hearts and lives, it is so easy to question, deliberate, and worry instead of act. Our response too many times is often “Wait”, “Maybe”, and sometimes even “No” when it should be “Yes.” There are so many examples in the Bible of people responding with fear. Moses made excuses. Gideon felt inadequate. Jonah ran. Sarah laughed. In the end, these and others came to understand that God’s plans are so much better than we can imagine, and He can use us despite of our fears.
This reminds me of something my mom used to teach us girls in the home. I can’t say I always liked it or that at times it drove me crazy, but it was engrained in us! Whenever Mom or Dad would ask us to do something, our response back to them was always to be, “Yes, I would be glad to!”
“Mary, please put the dishes away.”
“Yes, Mam. I would be glad to!”
“Mary, I would like you to go clean your room.”
“Yes, Mam. I would be glad to!”
Though I didn’t always enjoy saying that phrase or have my voice very “glad” when I said that I would “be glad to”, those words have been etched in my mind.
I can honestly say that God has asked me to do so many things out of my comfort zone. I wish I could say I have always had the right attitude and have never questioned what He what doing…but I must be real! There are times when I have not understood, wasn’t very comfortable, and frankly, times I was fearful of the outcome; but my mom’s words have been etched in my mind. “Yes, God, I would be glad to!”
God has so many wonderful things in store for the lady willing to say “Yes” to His purposes and plans. It doesn’t mean at times we are not fearful or that we don’t doubt His plans; but even in those times of doubt and fear, our response to God should always be, “Yes!” May we learn to respond as Mary did to God’s plan for her, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to thy word.” (Lk.1:38)
Is God asking you to do something out of your comfort zone? Has He told you to forgive someone? Is there someone He would like you to encourage or write a note to? Is there a class He would like you to teach or someone whom you should witness to? I pray you would be encouraged to step up, step out, and answer, “Yes, God, I would be glad to!”


  1. I am so glad you and Bro. Steve said "Yes" when God called you to Shawnee! I am thankful for your loving spirit and faithfulness to the Lord. "Yes, Lord, yes, to Your will and to Your way," is always the best way.

  2. Great teaching! Reminds me of when I surrendered to driving our church's children 30+ miles every day to school at another church. I thought, "ok, it is only a 15 passenger van. I can do this". The next service I learned it would be a short bus instead of a van. I said, "ok" and thought, "how hard can it be?" The following service I was told it would be a regular size 72 passenger bus, one of the deacons would teach me, and I would need a CDL! I was way out of my comfort zone, but I continued to tell the Lord, "yes". The whole time, my best friend, kept saying, "I could NEVER drive a bus", "There is NO way", "I'm glad the LORD asked you, and not me". Guess who was asked to drive the next semester?! She may have been kicking and screaming on the inside, but my BFF, said, "Yes!" Iron sharpeneth iron, and all that!
