Sunday, June 17, 2018

Discovering Great Truth / Mrs Jancie Wolfe

Mrs Janice Wolfe
Faith Music Radio Show Host
Boeke Road Baptist Church
Evansville, IN

Discovering Great Truth

Within the last few years I have watched a loved one make some very poor spiritual decisions. It has been heart wrenching to say the least. I have experienced much grief over the loss of what had once been a close and enjoyable relationship. Like other trials I have experienced in life, I have found God has been good to me and has taught me much. As Christians, we are exhorted to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” 2 Peter 2:18. Each trial is a chance for growth. Yes, even the trials that come when close family relationships and friendships become awkward and challenging. 

There are lessons to be learned as we navigate the rocky roads of strained relationships. It is safe to say that my “homework” assignments have been difficult. I have sat perplexed and in tears at the problems before me. I have been at a standstill more times than I can count, not having a clue what to do next. And through it all, God has been patient with my lack of knowledge concerning His Word and His ways. For that, I am grateful. As I have called out to Him, He has been gentle, yet thorough, in His instruction. After all he is the Master Teacher. Nicodemus called Him Rabbi and a Teacher come from God, for Nicodemus did not yet know that He was God. 

Jesus often used “discovery” teaching methods with his disciples and followers. He asked questions. He taught in parables. He got them thinking so they would discover the truths for themselves.  He does the same for us as we go through trials. Trials, and especially relationship struggles, bring us face to face with the tough questions of life. 

Does a God Who could allow this really love me?  Why did God allow this?  Will God really let them or that person get by with this?  Why doesn’t God stop her? Why did God give him to me to take him away? 

Tough, gut wrenching questions that seem to raise doubt and fear while we are commanded to walk by faith. And yet the answer to all of these questions are found in the Word of God. A careful study done in faith and bathed in prayer usually reveals the answers we need at just the right time.

How many times have we watched a child sit with the textbook open before them crying because they don’t know the answer to a problem. Yet, as their parent or teacher, we can plainly see the answer on the page.  We almost want to scream out, “The answer is right THERE!” But…we realize the need for the student to discover the answer for themselves. 

And so, it is with our testing. The Bible is s book that is meant to be studied. We have the answers! Being a good student of the Word of God when you are faced with tough questions brought on by tough trials leads to discovery of great truth. Truth that is meant to set us free and change us forever. 

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Tim. 2:15

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