It’s that time of year where there’s something different in the air. People are nicer, smile more, hold the door for you at the store, let you go first in the check out line. At Christmas time the hearts and minds of people are filled with fond memories and we try to recreate those memories in the lives of our children, friends and other loved ones. When we do recreate, our hearts are warmed once again with those precious days gone by. I can remember so many things that just bring a warm smile to my face, when I think about them and as I reminisce with those in my life now. I remember the big picture window that my dad would paint a Christmas scene on. It was something different every year. I remember going out and playing in the snow with my sister and when we came in our mittens were placed on the radiator and our dad would rub our hands until they got warm. Mom would make hot cocoa and I can imagine us having a cookie or two with the hot cocoa. I remember Christmas morning and the opening of the gifts. Boy was I an ungrateful child! I would hold up the item and make a face at it if I didn’t like it. We laugh about it now but it wasn’t funny then. You have your own memories that are special to you. What are they? Don’t forget them! Share them with your children and other loved ones. Let others share theirs with you. Memories are a gift. They are an opportunity to go back to that special place once more. Memories help us be grateful for what we had and what we have. I hope on Christmas day you will share with your children the memory of what Christmas is all about by reading the Christmas story to them. We have read this as a family before we had children. What a blessing it was last year to hear our granddaughter reading with us. The greatest memory we have as Christians is the memory of our adoption into Gods family. I pray you are sharing that amazing memory with those in your life and the new ones you will meet along this journey of memory making. Psalm 20:7b”......but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Make the Christmas season a time of making and sharing memories!

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