Monday, November 26, 2018

Puzzle Pieces of Life / Mrs Bre Kidwell

Mrs Bre Kidwell
Shift Nursery Director / Helps Hubby Teach Adult SS Class
Grand View Baptist Church
Beavercreek, OR

Puzzle Pieces of Life

In October of 2008, I found out I was pregnant with my second child. I already had a handsome little boy and I was hoping for this baby to be a girl. I found out after a couple months that I was indeed having a girl. I dreamed she would be born perfect, with brown hair and blue eyes.

After nine months of waiting, the day finally arrived; the day my angel would be born. One and one-half hours after I was wheeled into the operating room I had an adorable baby girl. She weighed four pounds, 14 ounces, and was 16-1/2 inches long. “Small, but healthy” is what they told us.

Natalia began having spitting-up difficulties and we struggled for three months to keep her weight increasing. We decided to take her to a children’s hospital to see if the feeding specialist could help her. We checked in and went into our room for the appointment, where four doctors, a calorie specialist, and a medical student met with us. It was a little overwhelming at first listening to all the questions that were being asked, the taking of blood samples and other tests. At the end of the first visit we were told, “We don’t know why she has those problems, but we will try to find out.”

In July of 2010, we took Natalia to the Emergency Room of the Children’s Hospital and learned that she had even more problems. After a set of x-rays, a Lower GI, blood work, and with 3 teams of doctors working with her, they diagnosed her as having a diaghramic hernia. She had emergency surgery an hour and a half later. We stayed at the hospital for ten days. Even though those days, and the many to follow, were difficult ones, we watched God work in ways we would have ever expected. Let me share a few of the blessings He showered on us.

God’s grace is sufficient every day. My faith has grown so much! I believe God does provide miracles. He has shown me that his love for me is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

God has shown me the blessing of having a support group which is made up of my family, my Pastor (Dr. Mike Mutchler), and my church (Grand View Baptist Church).

God has taught me to be more bold in my witness for Him as I have seen the need to be bold in asking for the proper care/treatments for Natalia. A friend of mine wrote an article that was recently published in the Christian Womanhood magazine. During one of Natalia’s hospital stays I took copies of that article to the hospital and God used it, and me, to lead thirty-three precious souls to Him!

Since July of 2010, Natalia has had eight surgeries and has stayed in the hospital for more than 140 days. Using the tool of the Christian Womanhood magazine, I have been able to present the plan of salvation to many people. God has allowed me to lead over 145 souls to Him during that time. Thank you to the Christian Womanhood staff for all your hard work to make the magazine a blessing to me every month and for supplying such a wonderful tool!

I want everyone to know how thankful I am that I have the privilege to serve God, and that He used me and opened doors that I would have never been opened had it not been for Natalia’s health problems.

Every person’s life is a puzzle that God is putting together one piece at a time. Some of the puzzle pieces may be dark ones. Some may be made up of beautiful colors. But all are needed to make a beautiful picture. Natalia’s puzzle is just beginning. I may never know in this life why she has these health struggles, but I know God is creating a beautiful picture out of her life. 

I was recently reading all my notes and little things I have written about Natalia since she was born and I have to say that God has been good in my life. Not a day goes by that I am not on my knees praying to God for his strength and wisdom. Some mornings, with tears streaming down my face, I feel like all I can do is look up to Jesus and thank him for being so good to me! Natalia is not a burden or a stress. She is a blessing from God that He gave to me... Wow! I am privileged to call her "my little angle"! There are mornings when I wake up and walk in her room and wonder what I will find. Will she be sick? Will she be in so much pain so that she does not want to even move? Or, will she be smiling? What a blessing you are to me God! Thank you for letting me brag on you!!!

There is another thing I am sure of. I am 100% sure of the way to Heaven and that I am going there someday when I die. Do you know where you will spend eternity or do you have some doubt? Here is how you can know with 100% certainty where you will spend eternity.

1. Realize you are a sinner. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)

2. Realize there is a penalty for sin. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

3. Realize Christ paid the debt for your sin by dying on the cross.
But commandeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us . Romans 5:8

4. Realize that you need to ask Jesus in your heart so you can have a place in heaven .
For whosoever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved . Romans 10:13 .
Whosoever means anyone can ask Jesus in their heart. It doesn't matter what you have done in your life Jesus is there to forgive you of all your sin past, present and future sins. If you haven't had the chance ask him today through this prayer.

Dear Jesus
I come to you today to ask you to save me and forgive me of my sins. I right now accept you as my personal Savior thank you for saving me . Amen.
If you asked Jesus in your heart that is such a blessing to me!


  1. What a blessing to read how you allowed God to turn your test into a testimony! Praying for Natalia's health to improve.

  2. Point 4 there at the end is actually not Biblically correct. 4 should be BELIEVE on Christ, trust Him alone for the payment of your sins. No religious work, act or ritual can save, only by placing faith alone in Christ alone. I know I'm saved, not because I prayed a prayer or "asked Jesus to come into my heart" (nowhere found in scripture). Nor am I saved by walking an isle, committing myself, turning direction etc. Its the fact that I put my full weight on Christ's payment, His shed blood at death and His resurrection. Being convinced of those fact and accepting them as applying to me I'm saved.
