Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sausage Balls Recipe / Mrs Tabetha Snyder

From the Kitchen of....
Mrs Tabetha Snyder
Wichita, KS
Sausage Balls

2 Cups Shredded Cheese
1 lb Sausage 
3 Cups Bisquick
7 Tbs Water

Mix all ingredients until a big ball is formed. Then Break off smaller pieces and roll into balls. 
Bake on a Grease Coated Pan for 8-12 Minutes on 375.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh Be Careful LIttle Eyes What You See / Mrs Charissa Andrews

Mrs Charissa Andrews
Pastor's Wife
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
O'Fallon, MO

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things
Philippians 4:8

Recently, I noticed that my furnace wasn't working so well. I could hear it running, and even feel some air coming out; however my house didn't seem as warm as it should have been. I found myself bumping up the thermostat. When I mentioned it to my husband, he explained to me that the solution was probably something very simple. In a few moments, he brought me up a dirty filter. It was a quick fix and what a difference a clean filter made!

I did a little research about the dangers of not having a filter (or using a dirty one). When you don't have a good filter for your AC/furnace, your complete system is in danger. Dust will collect on your motor and act as an insulation and cause premature death to the entire motor. It can also collect in the curved vanes of the blower wheel and build up to cause a considerable loss of air flow. The dust burning off on the heat exchanger will eventually cause an unpleasant odor. Your furnace will lose its efficiency and ability to do the job it was created for. Running a furnace or air conditioner without a filter is one of the most damaging things that can happen to your system. The blower motor and the evaporator coil will become congested with dirt, dust, and other debris until they cease to function properly. Repairing a broken blower or cleaning a clogged coil can become very costly depending on the extent of the damage. Don’t take a risk like this with your heating and cooling systems, and check your filters regularly.

Our minds and hearts are the epicenter of who we are. They are our motors, our engines. God has designed His word to be our filter. It is vital that we keep our thoughts and intents of our heart clean, free from dust and debris. If we don't, the results can be disastrous. We can begin to lose our effectiveness, our power diminishes, our lives can go from a sweet savor to a nasty stench. By not taking care to use Biblical principles as a filter, we can even lose the ability to do the very job we were created for. I believe not having a filter (or using a dirty one) for our hearts, just like for my furnace, is one of the most damaging things that can happen to our systems. The thing is, repairing a broken blower or cleaning a clogged coil can be very costly. As can the results of us not heeding God's word and guarding our hearts with all diligence. It can cost us our influence, our useability, purity, or even worse: a marriage or parent/child relationship.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
2 Cor. 10:5

Two areas we found, in our home, that we knew we needed a good filter were the movies we watch and the use of the computer. What we found to be helpful was to sit down and have a family conversation. Instead of just telling them, “If a movie has _________, we are not watching it”, we asked them, “what do YOU think should be our standards regarding movies?” For example, we asked them, “if a movie uses your God's name as a slang or curse word, should we watch it?” And several other questions along the same lines. When doing this, we found it was much more powerful to back up our decisions with scripture and Biblical principles. That way it was not just our opinion, but the power and authority of God's word. This was great because instead of these being mom and dad's rules or standards, they became our family's standards.

Another practical thing we have put into practice is to find a review of a movie before we commit to watch it as a family. If you're like me, once you get into a movie and begin getting interested in the characters and story line, it's easy to overlook something that may not be honoring to the Lord. A great place to find reviews is You can search for a movie and find what the movie is generally about, what positive elements are included, negative elements, spiritual elements, any sexual content (they even include tight fitting or low cut clothing – which is awesome to this boy mom!) They have a mobil app that can be downloaded as well.

As our children are getting older we have been faced with the dangers of the internet. We knew we needed a good filter. Not just for them, but for ourselves as well. We have found that OpenDNS works great for us! This is a filter that works through the wireless router, not just a single computer. This is great because it does not just filter one computer or device. If one of my sons has a friend over and they have a device that is using our wi-fi, the filter is applied to that device as well.

Let's be vigilant, sober and walk circumspectly. Let's use God's word and the principles we find there to be a filter for our hearts and minds. Let's determine to use a filter to avoid dirt and debris and filth that this world throws our way daily. The alternative is too costly.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Be a REAL friend to YOUR Pastor's Wife

Before you read this and think "Well the PW just needs to learn to be content with what she has, quit whining around and lean on the Lord for her needs." That may be true. She knows "there is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother..." But don't YOU love having a physical friend? She is no different. Yes her husband should be her "bestest" friend and 9 times out of 10 he is. But that "man card" is a hard thing to crack! She can only endure so many football games and shooting sessions at the range he'll only watch so many chick flicks with her. But to talk about recipes or share childbirth stories or menopause tips.... yeah..... that's where he usually jumps ship! That's OK! I believe that's why we are instructed in Titus 2:3 to be "teachers of good things." That only happens when we get together with other women. Your PW has lots of good wisdom to share with you but you'll never benefit from it unless you take some time to get to know her and be a friend.
PW are some of the most selfless women I have ever met. Don't get me wrong, I know some of them can be pure monsters too. I believe the soured ones have usually suffered a great amount of hurt and criticism and many times, if that hurt hasn't been properly dealt with through God's Word, it turns into bitterness. If this is the case with your pastor's wife, she needs you more than ever to love on her and pray for her!
Some pastor's wives that I've met seem well loved and cared for (PTL) while others seem just plain forgotten about. You see it not only in their clothing, shoes, purses, hair, but in their demeanor, even their slumped posture shouts out loud that they need a FRIEND! Your pastor's wife doesn't require a fan club clamoring at her feet. All she needs is ONE lady to be a REAL friend to her.
1. Find out what her prayer needs are and PRAY FOR HER. Then tell her so. Do it face to face, in a hand written note, a Good morning text, etc...
2. TALK TO HER. Include her in your group conversations at church. Don't make her feel as if she's intruding if she walks over to be near your group. Some PW are a bit introverted & it wouldn't occur to them to intrude on a conversation. If you see her near a group you are in, extend your arm to welcome her into your conversation. This is just common courtesy and good manners.
3. ENCOURAGE HER. Jot her a note or card & drop it in the mail. Send her a random text to tell her you love & appreciate her. Leave her little notes or gifts on her desk at church. Give her a gift card for no reason. It doesn't have to be huge. Even a $10 gift card to her favorite coffee shop would let her know someone is thinking just of her. How are her shoes or purse? Is she long overdue for something nice & new (for no other reason than that you love her)? Is payless having a BOGO sale - why not consider your PW? Maybe she would enjoy a cute little seasonal decoration.
4. BE A FRIEND TO HER. Everyone knows the Pastors favorite pie. But have you ever asked what his wife's favorite pie is? Do you know her favorite color, perfume, clothes shopping place, restaurant, etc... Do you know what her hobbies are? Does she collect anything? What theme does she have her home decorated in? What kind of books does she like to read? What's her favorite kind of music? Being a friend to someone means truly knowing that person. If I was a betting woman, I'd bet that she knows far more about you than you do about her.
5. HELP EASE HER FINANCIAL BURDEN. Did you find a great sale at the store? Why not buy 2 & bless your PW w/ the other one. Do you have a garden? Why don't you assemble a cute basket of fresh garden veggies & present it to her? Do you have fruit trees or fruit plants in your garden? I'll bet she would just love a batch of fresh fruit to make a yummy dessert or perhaps some jam. Did you do a bunch of canning this Summer? Share some of your bounty w/ her. Do you have kids that have outgrown clothes or toys? Don't just cart them to Goodwill. If they are still in decent condition, see if your PW could use them first.
6. SPEND TIME WITH HER. Take her out for lunch and a stroll through Hobby Lobby when they are having their 75% off sales! What PW doesn't love Hobby Lobby?! Take her out for a fresh hair cut. Or a mani-pedi. This may be a bit of a challenge if one or both of you have little ones, are homeschooling children or work a secular job. But the benefits are worth the effort. Maybe try a Sat afternoon. Even just out for her favorite coffee would be a blessing.
7. REMEMBER HER. Remember special days in her life: her birthday, wedding anniversary, church anniversary, her spiritual birthday.
8. CARE FOR HER. When she is sick, hurting, grieving. Now is the time to return some of the kindness you have seen her give when you or others are sick, hurt or grieving. Make a pot of homemade soup, add a loaf of crusty bread, some yummy muffins, her favorite magazine & a cute pair of socks or slippers. Assemble it all in a cute care basket & deliver it to her. Watch her eyes light up.
9. RESPECT HER. Treat her w/ fairness. Always remember she is your Pastor's wife. Be mindful of her. She is the fuel & spark in your pastors tank. Even though she is happy for her husband when you do kind things for him, she may be dying inside for want of a true friend or just someone to be an encouragement to HER. If you do something special for your Pastor, please don't leave his wife out. They are a team.
10. I know many will disagree with this next one and think it was out of insecurity that I chose to include it, but that is not the case. It is simply because I have seen first hand in several ministries what can happen when a woman and her Pastor choose to carry on w/ texting conversations that nobody can see or hear. BE APPROPRIATE. Especially in this "techy" age. Just because you have the pastors (her husbands) cell number, because he chooses to publish it, doesn't mean that you have the right to text him just for fun. He may be your fun loving pastor, but he is her husband. If she wouldn't think to sit around texting your husband funny pictures and sayings, you shouldn't either. No woman has the right to text a married man. Especially her pastor! It is inappropriate. It opens the door for Satan to get a foothold. If you have an emergency a phone call is appropriate. Or if it can wait, you could talk to him WITH his wife after the next church service.
11. BE PATIENT WITH HER. Remember she is made of the same flesh you are. She battles the same emotions, hormones, etc, that you do. She may have suffered hurt that you don't realize. But she has to keep up a strong facade because she is the PW.
13. DON'T PLACE EXPECTATIONS ON HER. Not every PW plays the piano or sings. Not every PW knows how to cook or entertain like Martha Stewart. Not every PW is the life of the party. Not every PW has a perfect marriage, perfect children, perfect home, perfect life.
14. BE A HELP TO HER. If your church is hosting a fellowship, a missions conference, a visiting missionary or evangelist family, and your PW is busy trying to provide for needs (groceries, meals, gift baskets, laundry, etc) come along side her and offer to help. Don't make her beg for help. Be sensitive to her work load concerning church activities and lend a hand.
15. SUPPORT HER. When she plans ladies meetings, outings, retreats, Bible studies, bridal or baby showers, etc... Support her by taking part in it. She doesn't have to take the time to plan things, but she does it for you.
16. LOVE HER. In spite of all else, just LOVE HER!
PW are as diverse as the stars in Heaven.
They are tall / short, thin / fluffy, funny / serious, outgoing / introverted, loud / quiet.
Each one is unique in her own way and has special qualities that may lay hidden just beneath the surface. If you want to see your PW come alive w/ a new vigor, a new smile, a fresh outlook on life and ministry, then just try making her feel loved. TRY being a REAL friend to her. A friend who cares, loves, prays for, encourages, helps and supports her.

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Sweet & Sour Chicken Recipe / Mrs Kayte McCoy

    Mrs Kayte McCoy
    Pastor's Wife
    Harts Hill Baptist Church
    Whitesboro, NY

    Sweet & Sour Chicken

    The recipe I've chosen to share with you has become my "signature dish". It's my go-to recipe for church potlucks, hosting guests or bringing a dinner to families while recovering from illness. In fact, expectant moms in my church have started requesting this for the meal I bring them after they deliver! This is my children's favorite dinner and I like making a double batch for yummy leftovers the next day.

    One fact needs to be established right now: This is in no way low fat, low calorie or remotely healthy. If you eat this daily, you will die an early death. If you are so inclined, you could grill or bake your chicken right in the sauce. If you're truly crazy, you could reduce the sugar in the sauce or substitute it with orange juice, or agave or, Heaven help you, Splenda. But do not invite me over for dinner if you do so. Just make it as directed and go for a 2 mile hike the next day. It's worth it.

    2 -4 boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into 1 - 2 "chunks
    beaten egg
    oil, to fry
    Heat oil in a Dutch oven on medium heat. Dip chicken in egg, then flour and fry in hot oil until brown and crispy. Place chicken on cookie rack or paper towel to absorb excess oil.
    *I often fry the chicken early in the day or the night before to save my sanity during the dinner hour.
    1/2 c. packed brown sugar
    1 Tbs. cornstarch
    1/3 c. apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar or red wine vinegar (any vinegar you've got will do)
    1/3 c. chicken broth
    1 Tbs. soy sauce
    1/4 tsp. garlic powder
    1/4 tsp. ground ginger
    green pepper, chopped
    1 Tbs. crushed red cherry pepper,  jarred or dried
    Or substitute with any hot or mild pepper you like. Even if you don't like very spicy food, a little heat is needed to balance the sweet.
    Sesame seeds for garnish, optional
    In a small sauce pan, combine sugar and corn starch. Stir in other ingredients. Cook and stir until thick and bubbly, about 5 minutes.
    Put fried chicken in a casserole dish and pour sauce on top, gently stir to coat. Cover and bake at 350* for about 10 minutes. You are just making sure your chicken is cooked through, and it's a good time to clean the kitchen and set the table. Or take a power nap.
    Serve over rice. 

    Monday, January 19, 2015

    Always Where Your Crown / Mrs Laura Faulk

    Mrs Laura Faulk
    Pastor's Wife
    First Baptist Church
    Groton, MA

    Always Wear Your Crown

    The annual change of the calendar often calls for reflection and preparation of our hearts for the coming year. 
    Personally I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions because I know that I’m not very good at keeping them! I also don’t usually choose a verse for the year but recently the Lord has really impressed upon me Psalm 65:11 – “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.” Particularly I am concentrating on the first part of the verse “Thou crownest the year with goodness.”

    God says that Hcrownest the year with thy goodness; this literally means a year remarkable for the manifestation of kindness; or a year of abundant productions.”

    God enthusiastically crowns or adorns our year with His goodness. We are confirmed of this in Ps. 84:11, “the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”

    A crown by definition is a decorative object that is shaped like a circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special ceremonies; something that imparts splendor, honor, or finish.
    Just think of a beautiful queen or princess walking forward with a diadem on her brow. When a queen or princess wears her crown, you know she is royalty – she is specialThere is a certain “air” about her and the things around herShe is proud to wear that crown, she is honored, and not afraid to show the world who she is!

    Have you ever seen a queen or princess, while wearing her crown, acting like “woe is me”, or “I’m just so stressed or “My world has just crumbled” or “My problems are the WORST in the world”, or how about “Nobody understands what I go through”? Even during times of distress a queen/princess holds her head high.

    I’m sure that every one of us could justifiably act like and relate to these people I just mentioned but is that really the way someone acts who has their year crowned with God’s goodness
    Are we consciously looking for and seeing all the goodness that God has bestowed on us each and every day? 

    Yes, perhaps you do have reason to mope, cry, scream, hang your head BUT Ladies God has crowned your year with goodness!!!!! There’s so much in our world as Christians to be thankful for and so many reasons to hold our heads up high and proclaim to the world and other Christiansthat we are royalty!  I believe we would get a lot more done for the Lord if we remember that we are wearing a crown of royalty which flashes and glitters all of God’s goodness to those around us! 

    In every situation and season of life, you can and should expect to proclaim the goodness of our God everywhere you go and to everyone you seeIn Ps. 27:13 David says, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” During David’s time of trial he HAD confidence in God, and BELIEVED that He would uphold him. He believed he would always see the evidence of God’s goodness and mercy while on the earth. 

    David responds with jubilant praise in Psalm 103, “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
    2  Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    3  Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    4  Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
    5  Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;

    It would be good for us to read over these verses of blessings that David is mentioning from time to time!

    As you read this I hope you are imagining your crown on your head! While you’re adjusting and securing your crown, let me remind you of a few things that the Lord has crowned you with:

    - He Called us into His Work – Ladies God has called you into the greatest business in the whole world. 
    Rom. 10: 15, “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Ladies if God has called your husband to the ministry then he has called you also! There’s no getting around it! What an honor to bring glad tidings of good things! What an honor to be doing the work that God has created you for! What an honor to be doing the work that God himself would love to be doing here on earth!
    Rom. 11:29 states “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” That means that God does not change His mind – He has called you into His ministry and He will never regret or renege on that calling! You are a daughter of the King and you are a Pastor’s/Preacher/s wife – there could be no higher calling for you than that! Now wear your crown like you believe it!

    -  He Remembers our sins no more! Is there anything more wonderful than knowing that God in His infinite mercy remembers our sins no more once we confess them? We don’t have to feel guilty or carry that weight of sin because God has already paid for that sin or sins! It’s done, its finish, and it’s over! Hallelujah! “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What a wonderful burden has been lifted from us! When God thinks of us, He sees no unrighteouness, he doesn’t see the ugliness of sin in our lives. Now that’s a lot of glitter to add to our crowns!

    O - He Opens His arms wide for us to receive Him. What greater joy or blessing could we ever receive from our Lord than eternal life! God waits for us to rush into His open arms of forgiveness and accept what He has done for us so that we could live eternally with Him in Heaven one day! I John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Just think of the impact we could make if our crown flashed the joy of our salvation everywhere we went and to everyone we talk to!

    W -He Wipes away all our tears! Rev. 21:4 says, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

    Do you see and hear the hope, relief, joy, excitement in this verse? Can you even imagine walking on streets of gold with no pain, no sorrow in life, never crying again, never having to say good-bye to a loved one? One day this will be our life, our blessing, our bounty from the Lord. How can we ever read this verse and not know God’s goodness to us? How can we hear the hope & joy in this verse and not rejoice in His goodness to us? How can we read this verse and not shout for joy!

    N - He will Never leave us! Heb. 13:5 says, “. . . I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

    Do you live as though you have the King of Kings as your constant companion?
    Are you really conscious that the Lord is with you through every moment of every day?
    Do you believe with your whole heart that He will never leave you?

    Let’s remember that God is with us day and night, in the valleys and on top of the mountain , when we’re happy and we’re sad, when we’re going through a deep trial and when we can’t sing “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy” enough! Let’s wear our crowns knowing that He will never and leave us or forsake us!

    None of these points are new to any of us but we need to not just knowabout these blessings God has bestowed on us, but to really KNOW them in our hearts!

    God has designed great things for you in 2015. Believe and receive His bounty in faith. Remember “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness. . . “

    I hope this verse brings as much cheer to your heart as it has to mine? I pray that, along with me, you will make this year a year that you will constantly see and look for the abundance of blessings in your spiritual life, your church life, your home life, your school life, and your work life.

    Ladies Always Wear Your Crown!!!!

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Tomato Soup (Gluten Free) Recipe / Mrs Beth Spilger

    Shape         Tomato Soup
              (Gluten Free) 
                         Mrs Beth Spilger
                         Pastor's Wife
                         Grace Baptist Church
                         St Louis, MO


                 1 Quart Tomato Juice 
    1.  2 Cans Diced Tomatoes 
    1. 3 Tbsp Olive Oil, More if needed 
                      2 Carrots, Thinly diced or chopped (optional) 
                      1 Onion, Finely chopped 
                      1 large Garlic Clove, Minced 
    1.  1 small bunch Basil - Dried Basil Works Well, Cut into strips 
                ½ tsp Oregano 
               Red Pepper Flakes, To taste 
               Salt, Pepper, To taste 
               ½ to ¾ cups Heavy Cream 
    1.  2 Tbsp Corn Starch, heaping tablespoons 
    In a medium sauce pan sauté the carrots (optional), onion, and garlic in 3 Tablespoons olive oil. Sauté until tender-do not brown. Add 2 cans whole tomatoes to 1 quart of tomato juice (reserve some of the juice for the corn starch). Add basil and oregano, red pepper flakes, then salt and pepper to taste. With an immersion blender-puree the mixture until no lumps appear (you can also place the soup in a blender and puree–be careful, the soup will be hot) return the soup to the sauce pan and slowly add the heavy cream–stir to mix thru. If you like a creamier soup, add more cream. Mix corn starch in cold tomato juice and add to mix, stirring until hot.  Season with additional salt and pepper as needed. Serve hot with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.