Thursday, August 30, 2018

Minister to Jesus / Mrs Jane Boston

Mrs Jane Boston
Pastor's Wife
New Hope Baptist Church
Kendallville, IN

Minister to Jesus

Luke 8:1-3 tells us of three women whose lives had been changed by Jesus, and they ministered to Jesus of their substance. What an honor these three ladies had, they were able to give service, care and aid to Jesus from their possessions.
Do you ever wonder as a Christian lady how you can minister to Jesus like these ladies did? What needs does Jesus have? If you are like a lot of Christian ladies, you are not exactly rolling in the dough. We know that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. But Jesus does give us instructions on how we can minister to Him in Matthew 25:35-40. He tells us, Verily I say until you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me.
Dear Christian lady you are ministering to Jesus when you help a lady at church, maybe sharing a word of encouragement, or a cup of coffee or a meal. You are ministering to Jesus when you change that sweet little baby's diaper in the nursery. You are ministering to Jesus when you tell your pastor that you are praying for him.
I encourage you to look for ways to minister to Jesus by being a blessing to others. Your focus will be on Him and your heart will be filled to overflowing. He is worthy.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Be Still / Mrs Hannah Flaugher

Mrs Hannah Flaugher
Asst Pastor's Wife
New Baptist Church
Independence, MO

Be Still

In this life, I can undoubtedly say that each of us have been through a trial, or multiple trials. We know what it’s like to be in a valley. Whether it be the valley of discouragement, grief, sickness… the list could go on and on. With social media being instant, at the click of a button, we are immediately connected to anyone and everyone. We know What they’ve eaten for breakfast. We know that “she" has a sink full of dishes that she's dreading. We know that someone is having a super bad hair day. We know when someone is going out for a hot date with their hubby. We know when someone just needs a little bit of extra prayer. We know when a momma is having a “Calgon, take me away” day. We can ask a question, and almost instantly get at least 10 or 15 people to reply to said question. Though, one thing has been so present as of late. Something that seems to be so present in the lives of my friends/family, acquaintances… and that is hurt. Trials. It seems like the valley of suffering has been hitting people I know like a freight train, that has come out of nowhere. I don’t know why, but it is almost like times of suffering comes in waves. Waves of loved ones passing away. Waves of loved ones having horrible accidents. Because of social media, we can (somewhat) see how people respond to these times of suffering. These times where they are stretched so thin, they don’t know if they can physically handle any more hurt. (I know social media only shows a fraction of the realm of things) We see those around us respond to the Lord through their valley of affliction. Through their hurt. Some of the things that others have been through lately, I find myself asking myself “Could I ever endure that type of hurt? Could I ever physically endure that type of affliction, and still have that type of grace?”. I look at their trial and think “oh Lord, please don’t let that ever happen to me! Please don’t make me ever have to go through something like that.”. But then, I find the Lord reminding me that my life is not MINE to control. I’m His. I am not my own. (1 Cor. 6:19 & 20) He reminds me that we don’t go through trials because He likes to see us in pain, or that He takes joy in seeing us hurt. I don’t know why the Lord chooses certain people to go through such heartache. I don’t know why He would choose to take 3 precious babies from a Momma and Daddy through a horrible house fire. I don’t know why the Lord would choose to take an unborn child's life from the loving womb of his Momma. I don’t know why He would choose to give a precious man of God a debilitating disease, to where he couldn’t even feed himself or have to ability to perform the normal daily tasks that a grown man is accustom to doing himself. I don’t know why the Lord would allow a sweet Godly Pastors wife, Momma to little ones, to have a cancer that would inevitably take her life. I don’t know why. I don’t have the answers to those question. I could sit all day and ask “Lord, why? Why them? Or, why my family? Or why me??”. I know it’s our human nature to ask “Why, Lord? Why is this happening?”. I’ve found myself asking that so many times. But, If I could just stand still, and listen to the Lords comforting voice, Its almost like I hear the Lord saying “Ssssh... (2 Cor. 12:9) …My grace is sufficient for thee:…”. It’s so hard to be still when we're going through trials. Personality wise, I’m a “fixer”. I will run myself ragged to do everything in my power to fix it. I run and run and run. I’m busy, I’m restless, I’m fearful. But, if I could just stop. Listen to the comforting voice of the Lord , I would quickly remember that, it’s not ME who is supposed to “fix it". I would do well to remember Psalms 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Even in my trials, I want my heart to greatly rejoice, and with my song will I praise Him. Instead of sitting and questioning the one who created me, I can KNOW that He is my strength! I don’t need to run myself ragged. HE is my strength! I don’t need to be fearful. HE is my shield! During those times of trials. Those valleys that seem to be endless… Just draw nigh to Him. Guess what will happen when you draw night to Him? James 4:8 says “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you”. Don’t be fearful in that valley. Many times I’ve heard people say “I don’t know how to let the
Lord comfort me! It’s by standing still. Being quiet. Letting go of the reigns (because you’re not in control of them anyway) and letting the Lord work. I don’t know what trial, or valley is coming down the road for me. My Dad always says “You’re either just getting out of a valley, are in a valley right now, or are fixin' to head into one”. When my valley comes, I want to remember these things. Because HE is my strength, I don’t need to DO anything, except be still. Just like my Daddy still tells me “It’s all gone be ok, because He's God”. Psalms 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God:…”.

Monday, August 20, 2018

He Can Give and He Can Take Away / Melody Booth

Mrs Melody Booth
Pastor's Wife
Gateway Baptist Church
Clinton, IA

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. – Job 1:21
I remember we were celebrating my husbands birthday. We had gone to lunch at Olive Garden, and we had done some window shopping. We were both happy and enjoying our time together. I was nauseous and tired , but excited because we were going to the OBGYN for a check up. Having two previous miscarriages, I was a little nervous about this one, but I had been real sick with this pregnancy, so I thought everything was going well. We saw our midwife Pam, who knew us well, and had been there for many of our births. After some small chit chat, she got the doppler out to listen to the heartbeat of the baby, but she couldn’t find the heartbeat. She sent us for an ultra sound right away to see what was wrong. In the pit of my stomach I already knew the answer. In the ultrasound room, the technician was very quiet, and then looked at me and my husband and said “ Do you understand what’s going on?” I nodded my head yes. Then she said “I’m so sorry”. I was numb, and a little in shock. Was this for real? I couldn’t believe this was happening. What had I done? It’s all my fault. Was it the tea I drank? Maybe that was too much caffeine? Was it something I ate? Did I exercise wrong? Or maybe too much? Should I have been taking more supplements ? Was it my thyroid? Was I not taking care of myself like I should? These were the first thoughts that entered my head. I started to cry. My husband prayed with me right there, but my heart was so broken, I had no idea what he prayed. Some of the nurses and my sweet midwife Pam came to give me a hug and tell me they were sorry. My midwife handed me a paper on miscarriage management. Apparently, the baby had already been dead for about a week. If the baby didn’t come out on it’s own in the next week, I was going to need a D&C. My heart sank, I didn’t want to be reading a paper on miscarriage management. I wanted to be celebrating a new little one. After another week though, the baby had still not come out on its own, so I was scheduled for a D&C at the hospital. But the very morning that I was scheduled to go in
the hospital, my body decided to go on it’s own. It was around 5:30 in the morning, and the bleeding started. I was so tired and in a lot of pain, that I wasn’t even paying attention to how much blood I was losing. All of a sudden, I got this incredible pain in my head. It was unbearable. I started to feel real nauseous and began throwing up. I knew that wasn’t right . We called our obgyn hotline and they told us to get to the hospital right away. I threw on some clothes and my sweet sister in law came to pick up my little ones. On the way to the hospital, again, there was that incredible and unbearable pain in my head and I started to feel so sick and then I could feel myself fading out. For the first time ever in my life, I thought , Am I going to die? Am I going to die on the way to the hospital? Lord , I prayed, please don’t let me die. I know what it’s like to grow up without a mom. Please don’t let my kids go through that, please protect me. I could hear my husband calling my name and snapping his fingers at me, and I started to open my eyes. He stopped and pulled over to a small town hospital. They were able to get me stable, and transported me by ambulance to the hospital where my doctor was at. Once I got to the hospital, again I passed out. My husband was trying to wake me up, and when I opened my eyes, the doctor was there, and nurses were everywhere. They were able to find the root of the problem, which was a huge clot stuck inside me. After that, they did surgery, and I was able to come out ok. After all was said and done, it was a class 3 hemorrhage. I was very thankful to the Lord for watching over me and allowing me to live. I never got bitter or angry at the Lord through all of this, but I did wonder why this had all happened. The Lord has been so good to me, and has given me eight healthy children. How could I complain about anything? The Lord was so good to teach me a lot of things through this.
1. God is the author of Life.
No matter how many times , I would try and wrap my head around why I lost the baby or what I did wrong or what caused it. I had to realize that God is the author of life, and everything is in his power. He can give, and He can take away. Job 1:21- the Lord
gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
2. He allows me to go through trials, so I can be a better blessing to someone else.
Jude 1:22 And of some having compassion, making a difference.
If it’s one thing I have learned over and over in ministry. It’s that the Lord allows me to go through things, so I can be a better blessing to other people. If I’ve been through it, I know what it feels like. I know the hurts and sorrows. I will have a better sense of compassion, and I’m more likely to be a better blessing to another person going through the same thing. I can pray a lot better. I will be a better friend and encourager .
3. Depression is real, even for the Christian.
Psalms 34:18-19 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite heart. Many are the affiliations of the righteous : but the Lord deliverereth them out of all their troubles.
The weeks following my recovery were hard. I had excruciating headaches. I had no strength from losing so much blood. I was in bed most of the time. I missed all of my kids activities. I couldn’t do anything. And well, it was depressing. I had no joy, and I couldn’t shake the funk that I was in. I couldn’t laugh at my kids or smile or anything. I was just numb. I’m sure I worried my husband there for a while. All I can say is that I kept myself where I should be, so I could get myself back on the right track. Once I got a little better, I was able to go back to church and get fed. I was able to get back in my Bible. I was able able to get busy again, and get my eyes off myself. But please don’t ever judge someone going through a hard time. Don’t ever think that your
super spiritual, and you would never react that way. Have you gone through , what they have been through?
4. There are some things, we just will never understand.
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
This is one of my all time favorite verses. I always come to this verse , whenever I don’t understand what the Lord is doing. I will never understand why the Lord allows certain circumstances in our life. But my little finite mind will never comprehend the greatness of God and all that He does. I just need to understand that the Creator of this universe, has it all under control, and whatever He allows to happen is His Way and His thoughts.
I realize there are those who might be reading this who have gone through so much worse. And I am so sorry! And my heart goes out to you! But I’m glad to share just some of the things the Lord showed me during this time.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Slow Down & Soak It Up! / Mrs Lacey MacRae

Mrs Lacey MacRae
Youth Pastor's Wife
Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church
Martinsburg, WV

Several months ago I came across one of those "Let's-Make-All-Moms-Everywhere-Bawl-Their-Eyes-Out-Uncontrollably-Because-Their-Babies-Are-Growing-Up" songs. I think we all have a love/hate relationship with those. We love how they are so realistic and relatable, but we hate them for reminding us that our babies are growing so quickly and seemingly running towards the day they'll leave our homes. This particular one is literally the best/worst one I've ever heard...depending on how you measure that kind of thing. Like it's the best because it's the sweetest and most realistic one ever written, and yet it's the worst because it makes me cry harder than seems humanly possible...or reasonable.

Anyway...a friend of mine (if she can even be called that after making me susceptible to such agony🙄😉) posted that song the other day, and at first I didn't realize what it was, so I started to listen to it...but not for long! Once I recognized it, I was in a panic until I could get it turned off! 😩😂 However, some of the effects of the song were still felt throughout the rest of my day. For instance:

-When I picked my girls up from school that day, I hugged them just a little longer; I purposely looked in their eyes while they both tried to tell me about their day at the same time; I smiled at them in spite of the one million things that were on my mind from work and just life in general. 

-When my girls were sitting squished together in the recliner watching Andy Griffith that night after dinner, I took a minute right in the middle of my busy rounds of laundry, dishes, packing lunches, etc. etc. to stop and watch their faces and listen to them giggle at Barney "bein' silly", as Lindsey said.

-When it was almost time to go to bed, and I was definitely "shutting down" for the night, mentally and physically, instead of just hurrying them off to bed a few minutes early, I grabbed a board game and played a couple of rousing games of Hi-Ho Cherry-O! 

-Lastly, when at 2:20 in the morning I awoke to the sounds of blood-curdling screams coming from my girls' room, (after Jason and I finally woke up enough to realize it was, in fact, our girls screaming and not wild banshees) instead of feeling annoyed at being aroused from my peaceful slumber, and instead of thinking about how tired I would be while teaching today, etc. etc., I just held Lindsey, who was still shaking, while she told me about her bad dream about the big bug that "almost got on her heeeaaddd!" And after both girls were safely in bed with us, I just smiled every time Lindsey reached over and rubbed my back to make sure I was still there...even though she kept doing it *just* as I was finally dozing off to sleep. 

I know they're only 6 and 5 still, and I'm sure I'm being ridiculously dramatic...but just yesterday they were 4 and 3! And now, quite suddenly, Mackenzie is reading and spelling her Spelling words to me and losing teeth!!! And Lindsey no longer says "sildy" instead of "silly" or puts her shoes on the wrong feet *every single time* or wants my help with...well, just about anything. This is just all happening so fast!

Sometimes I desperately want them to slow down and stay little for me. I know that's impossible, but I was reminded that while my girls can't and shouldn't slow down in their growth and learning and maturing, I, on the other hand, CAN and SHOULD slow down each and every day and enjoy everything about them. They are such precious gifts, and gifts are to be enjoyed...over and over again. 

I was reminded of Matthew 19:26 and Luke 20:17 where right before Jesus said the perfect thing thing, responded in the perfect way, and discerned the situation perfectly, the Bible says He “beheld them, which means to “look upon, to observe fixedly, to discern clearly.” Jesus seemed to always be “in the moment.” Regardless of what was going on around Him, He was always present with that one that needed Him. I don’t think Jesus missed out on anything He was supposed to do or anyone He was supposed to help. I know that’s mainly because of the whole “being God” thing, but I just find it so interesting that in both verses I referenced above, it is noted that before He discerned the situation and gave them the answer He did, He “beheld them.” I just wonder how much better we would be at loving those around us and “being there” for them if we were to take the time to “behold them”...for me, and probably for all of us, that starts at home. 

P.S. Lest it sound like I am describing myself as a wonderful parent...I was literally describing one evening out of many that I fail to slow down. This article is really a reminder to me to slow down even on the days that a sappy song doesn't remind me to. 😔💕

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Proverbs 31 / Mynde Sousa

Mynde Sousa
Deacon's Wife / Nursery Worker
Choir Member / Sunday School Teacher
Hopewell Baptist Church
Napa, CA

I have been saved for over 20 years, so how many times have I read Proverbs 31? But God always has something for you when you need it, especially in my marriage. Proverbs 31:11 “The HEART of her husband doth SAFELY TRUST in her, so that he shall have no NEED of spoil”.
I have been married to my husband for 28 years as of August, 2018. And you would think by now I would know everything about marriage, right? Not even close. So when God made this verse stand out to me I was ready to hear what He had to say! I took the words that are underlined and looked them up in my 1835 dictionary to see how my actions affect not only my husband but others.
* Heart – the seat of affections or passions, as of love, joy, grief, enmity, courage, and pleasure, etc.
* Safely - without injury.
* Trust – confidence; reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.
* Need – want; occasion for something; necessity; a state that requires supply or relief. It sometimes expresses urgent want; pressing exigency (pressing business, immediate help).
After reading these definitions, God gave me a couple places where I needed to see why these definitions were so important.
The Finances:
God wants to safely trust you with your money. When we have control of our money, then we will have no need of spoil. If you are not good with money, get someone to help you with your finances. Do not pretend you are good at money management; you will only cause
financial and stress. I used to struggle a lot with money management, I was the one who would use the debit card and forget to give my husband the receipt. He would go to pay bills thinking we had enough money to pay bills and then oops, overdrawn. One day my husband showed up after work and took me to the bank, we opened my own checking account. It was the best decision he could have ever made. Now if I make a mistake I am not hurting him, but I am getting better!!! My husband has helped numerous people getting a budget together and paying for bills!
If you are good with money find a way to make a budget you can work with. I know of a couple where she started the envelope budget for her husband. Each pay check they put so much in an envelope that he can spend for certain things. Once the money is gone he has to wait for the next pay check.
The heart of our children will safely trust in us, so that they will have no need of spoil. When you have your child’s heart they will not have need of spoil. Sometimes we try to get to our children’s heart by being their friend or buying them something they want. We are not to be our child’s friend but parent, but our children MUST trust us to know what is best for them. What is a spoil? Cell phone, certain friend, or the opposite sex. I have a friend that has a teenage boy, he is the only one in his youth department that does NOT have a cell phone. I asked her how her son is dealing with all the other teens making fun of him. She told me that when he asked if he could have a cell phone, they told him that they (mom and dad) didn’t think was a good idea. His response?
Ok! They have his heart, because his trusts his parents to know what is best for him right now. He has no need of spoil!
How do we get our children’s trust? Build a relationship by putting out expectations that they can reach. I know that children can meet your expectations. Now you’re saying, Mynde, really my two year old will meet my expectations?! Well, ok when children are young you must constantly remind them of your expectations. But you keep your expectations in from of them! For example, “Steven can you please make sure your toys are picked up before you come to dinner?” “Ashley, please make sure your clothes are picked up before you go to bed.”
Our children really want to please us, so praise when they do good, no matter how small!!!