Friday, November 2, 2018

A Merry Heart! / Lauren Becker

Lauren Becker
Special Music / Pianist / Nursery Worker
Lafayette Bible Baptist Church
Wildwood, MO

A Merry Heart!

Today I just wanted to focus on a verse that sometimes I think as Christians too often we overlook. The verse is Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” I believe as Christians we should show others that there is joy in serving the Lord. Being happy in Christ, having a good spirit, and having a smile on our face can be a help to others as well as ourselves. It can show those who are unsaved that true joy and happiness comes from the Lord. It can encourage fellow Christians that may be going through a hard time. It can also help yourself be more encouraged in the Lord and keep a right spirit. A smile can be contagious! You never know who you can help, and you don’t know what people are going through. If you are always walking around with a bad spirit, that does not show a good example for the Lord. You can’t help people with a bad spirit, and it makes it harder for the Lord to work in your life. Let’s just remember to keep a merry heart and try to be an encouragement to others!

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