Monday, March 14, 2016

It's All About Perspective / Mrs Robyn Bachman

Mrs Robyn Bachman
 "It's All About Perspective"
Recently, I posted on Facebook how much I dislike change.  I have to admit, to some small extent, I was  feeling sorry for myself.   You see during all my years growing up, we moved often due to my dad being in the military.  Then, upon graduating college and marrying, God has seen fit to move my husband and I several times to different ministries for certain "seasons", as I like to call them.  Each and every place I have lived I can see how God used it to help me grow and learn lessons that were vital in my life.  Plus, I have gained so many friends across the country that I will have for a lifetime. 
Today I celebrated my  47th birthday and, if I am honest,  I have to say that as I am growing older, I am still not very fond of change; but, recently,  I have begun to look at the changes in life with new PERSPECTIVE.  In fact, to be really honest, God has convicted me about this matter of my perspective.  You see the Bible is clear that God never changes and I ought to be able to rest in that and know that everything that happens in my life is intended for His good and His glory.  When I spend all my time focused on the changes, it is so easy to lose sight of what really is so easy to lose perspective... God's perspective.  After all, isn't that how we are to view this life?  I Cor. 13:12 reminds us that "we see through a glass darkly....but then shall I know..."  One day all the changes, whether sickness, loss, hurt, burdens, trials, or even the good, will be revealed for what God intended them to be in our lives. We will understand, but until then we must  look at ALL we go through in the perspective of God rather than our own.
Perspective is defined as:  the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc.; the faculty of seeing all the relevant data; a mental view or prospect.   What stands out to me are the words, "one's ideas" because my thoughts and ideas should be derived from following after God. Perhaps that is why I lose perspective when things come that I can't understand or don't like.
We are familiar with the story of Job. Satan came and tempted him, Job lost much, his friends turned on him, his wife told him to curse God and die and he lost his children...Job had to endure so much, by our standards.  Yet, if you look at Job 1:21, 22 you will find Job saying, "And said, Naked came I out of my  mother's womb and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.  In all this Job sinned not, not charged God foolishly."  WOW!! Job didn't sin against God for what he was facing and, to top it all off, he didn't question God.  I don't know about you, but that is really hard.  However, the fact that God shares this in His Word tells me that this is not only the right response or perspective we should have in life, but that it is possible.
So, I sat and thought about how I could better accomplish having the right perspective, even when facing change.  Here is what God shared with me; as well as, the results that can come when we do these things... these are things we all know, but good reminders:
1. Spend much time in God's Word...daily reading and meditating.    
**This will FIX our hearts on God!   Ps. 63:1 and Joshua 1:8

2. Spend more time praying and listening to the voice of God. 
** This will FREE our souls from undo cares.       Ps. 5:3 and Ps. 55:2
3.  Spend many moments of the day focused on others.   
** This FOCUSES us on what really matters  most.      Gal. 6:22 and  Luke 10:33, 34
So, may I encourage you as I was matter what we are going through He is there and if we will look at the circumstances through His perspective it will help us when we don't see a way out because we will realize He is already in our tomorrow and He truly does know what we  are going through.  
Reminds me of the song "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" where we find  the words,   "And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."   So, when things seem to be overwhelming, view it in His light and remember, our life truly is ALL about PERSPECTIVE...HIS.  

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