Saturday, June 10, 2017

Having Compassion / Mrs Chris Richter

Mrs Chris Richter
Pastor's Wife
Liberty Baptist Church
Fircrest, WA

Someone I admired greatly once said, "Be kind to everyone for everyone is having a tough time!" What a true statement!
     We could all think of someone we know that is going through some kind of trial. Life can be very tough at times. This is not a surprise to us if we are faithful 'every word' Bible readers. We see in Scripture that we will go through much tribulation. Not very encouraging, right? What is encouraging though is that we also read we have a Comforter that goes along side of us and helps us. How could we make it if we didn't! I need the Holy Spirit active in my life. I've experienced His Comfort. The Bible also tells us we can have a part in helping our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ make it during their difficult times as they walk their journey in this life.
     Jude 22 tells us "And of some have compassion, making a difference." I Peter 3:8 says, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous."
     In Jude the word compassion means to have pity, show mercy, by word or deed. In I Peter 3:8 it means to have a fellow feeling, mutually commiserative- which means to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity. In other words, being able to put yourself in their shoes- in your mind. Imagine how you would feel if it were you.
     Bro. Jack Hyles use to take time and cover his eyes for a bit to experience what it would be like to be blind. He wanted to feel, even if it was for a moment, like they felt.
     Can you imagine with me for just a moment, walking around your house, getting into your car, running into the store, cooking dinner, combing your daughters hair, ironing your families clothes, (the list could go on) and in a moment you are on your back never to move again! You know how we are as moms, we hear our child cry out and our first impulse is to get up and run to their aid. Only now you can't because your new life has you confined to a chair or a bed! Or getting the news that a loved one has gone on to heaven and now you live life with an empty seat in your home. Perhaps imagine getting the news someone dear to you has decided to walk a path contrary to the Word of God. I believe if we would take the time to imagine how it would feel to be in others difficult situations, we would be able to have more compassion and be able to pray from the heart, with tears. We as Christians seem to sometimes carry around a judges gavel instead of a tissue to dab the corner of our eyes when we hear of the hurts of others. We want to cast judgment on why they are the way they are and condemn instead of showing the compassion that is needed.
     Everyone needs a friend! Everyone needs someone in their corner, cheering them on!
     We are all made of the same dust. We are all capable of the same sin. We will all go through a trial of some kind as we live this life.
     Let's make a difference by showing compassion because we need each other!

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