Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Most Important Book in the World! / Carol Tudor

Carol Tudor
Agape Baptist Church
Stockton, MO

The Most Important Book in the World! 

Five years ago my husband and I began reading the Bible through in 90 days- it’s reading 13 chapters a day- give or take- due to short chapters and longer chapters. We read along with listening to a Bible DVD - so we are hearing it and seeing it. The DVD helps keep you going and stay on plan. When we see something we want to look up we mark down a note and go back to study it. I cancelled my daily newspaper, my cooking channels and got up a little earlier to begin this plan. I always used the excuse that I was too busy to read more than 15-20 minutes a day.
This plan translates into reading it through 4X a year! I cannot tell you how much this has helped me!
Here at Agape’ Ranch we have an Assistant Pastor, Frank Burton, who told us an interesting story. Seventeen years ago he heard David Gibbs talk about reading the Bible through in one month! Pastor Burton spoke with Bro Gibbs after the sermon and told him he did not have time to do that. Bro. Gibbs sat down with Bro. Burton and showed him in his schedule where he had 3 hours a day available. So Seventeen years ago Bro Burton started reading it through in one month! That’s 204 times !!!! Bro Burton weeps as he Preaches. What a heart he has! We were challenged!
My husband started on New Years Day, reading the Bible through in one month.
Why not kick your Bible reading up a notch??
You may not be ready for either of these plans, but could you double what you are doing right now?
I’ve heard many ladies say how excited they are that they finished every season of Downtown Abbey. How much is that counting for eternity? I have decreased my TV viewing, my mystery book reading, my FB time in order to have plenty of time for the Word of God!
I have seen healing in my life. I have strength that is not my own.
Just a few thoughts at the beginning of this beautiful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. So encouraging to me to add more time to my year round bible reading schedule.
    Thank you
