Thursday, January 3, 2019

What's In Your Cup / Laura Doss

Laura Doss
Pastor's Wife
Faith Baptist Church
Richmond, KY

What’s In Your Cup?? 

I don’t know about your house, but occasionally we have spills… and it’s not always the kids!
One of the first things that I remember about about the oldest child we fostered (and since we have adopted) is when he spilled milk at our house. He immediately hid under the table. I asked him why he was hiding and he said he was afraid that he was going to be in trouble. I assured him that he wasn’t going to be in trouble for spilling something. Life happens….spills happens.
One thing I’ve noticed is that whatever is in a cup when it has been shaken or tipped over is what spills out. If milk is in the cup when it’s spilled, then milk is what will come out. If it’s coffee in the cup when it’s knocked over or bumped, then coffee will come up. Reminds me of the jingle, “the best part of waking up in Folgers in your cup”! YUK! I detest coffee!! I can’t even stand the smell of it!! I know….what’s wrong with me!!!!
Can we for a minute pretend this coffee cup is our life?
Whatever we put in our cup of life is what is going to spill out when someone or life bumps us and whatever we have filled our cup with spills out.
Have you ever been around someone that every time something happens in their life bitterness and hate come out. Or someone who is always sour and never has a nice or pleasant thing to say.
Matt 15:18 “ But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man. “
What is truly in our hearts is what comes out of our mouths when we are tried and tested.
Have you ever been sitting next to someone and they spilled their cup and it got on you? If you spend time with negative people then it WILL eventually effect you. My husband has always guarded the time that we have spent with other people. We have always been an entertaining household! I love it! There have been times that have had to limit our time with people because we didn’t want was in someone else’s cup to spill out on! We wanted our cup of life filled with good things so that when someone or something bumps our cup, good things will come out.
Life is filled with all sorts of bumps. What I want spilling out of my cup is what I put in it. Here are a few things that I want my cup to be filled with:
Gal 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (23) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

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