Monday, January 1, 2018

Dig Out That Root of Bitterness / Mrs Linda Snow

Mrs Linda Snow
Preacher's Wife
Mother / Grandmother
Owner of Snowps Soaps

Dig Out That Root of Bitterness

Hebrews 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
Bitterness is a poison which causes spiritual and physical problems. It isn't obvious because it lives inside us. ROOT source of fuel to keep it alive. It grows deeper and deeper under the surface.
Those of us who have had injustices, hurts, physical and/or emotional abuse done to them are at great risk if we don't resolve this. We can keep unhealthy thoughts and feelings inside and that gives demons a lot with which to work in our lives.
When we hold in the pain and resentment it festers and grows deeper. You can think you're fine, but you can be bound up inside which can result in outbursts of anger, resentment and hatred. Even if they're not evident on the surface, the root is still there and the older we get, the deeper it grows.
We need to become aware of this and ask the Lord to help us find it and dig it out. That's a harder job than we may think. Sometimes it comes out in little pieces. Ask Him to show you where they are and keep on digging and to help you to release all the bottled up pain and anger.
Lessons I've learned:
You can lose your joy, your good attitude and service to God.
Don't hurt back or get even or hold a grudge. That only hurts you.
First, it troubles me and then those around me.
Admit you're wrong, take the blame and make things right if you can. Even if others don't forgive you, you've done all that you can. Forgive yourself.
My actions control my joy, peace and power. God will destroy the root.
My Observation:
The older the pain, hurt or abuse was, the deeper the root was, and the less aware I was of it's existence.
In this new year, I am making it my goal to remove the root of bitterness in my life. I hope you will do the same, and we can have happier lives and families. The end of the verse says "lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you". They can grow back. I love you ladies. Happy New Year!

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